
Showing posts from August, 2018

Week 2 Story: The Chipmunks and the Eagle

There once was a quaint little family of chipmunks that lived in the heart of the Rockies on Mount. Quandary. These chipmunks thought they had everything they could ever need, a small stream running by their tree, a field with a plethora of berries and nuts and the greatest view in the Rockies. On the other side of the valley there was a mother eagle with that was raising her young eagle to be big, strong and independent one day. When the young eagle was big enough the mother gave him his first big task. She said, “Across the valley I have seen this family of chipmunks that live in the tallest pine tree on the north side, are you capable of tricking the family to coming over to our house for us to have a massive feast?” “Of course, mother!” said the young eagle eager as ever. The young eagle spread its great growing wings wide and took flight for the trip across the valley. As he made his way closer to the tall pine tree he landed just a little before the chipmunks c...

Reading Notes: Two Turtles Jatakas

I found these two stories very interesting and very creative. Both of these gave me some ideas for future ideas of what I might do with my stories later on. Turtle and The King Notes From my understanding this story is a story of how the “demon turtle” outsmarted the king and men with the king. The young princes had never seen a turtle before, so they believed it to be a demon. Because the king had such love for his sons he went on and said to kill the turtle. They did not know much about turtles and so when the turtle heard the option of being thrown into the lake he acted deathly afraid of that option. So, in the end that is what the king chose and the turtle swam away to live another day. The Turtle and The Geese Notes This is a story of following instructions and nothing bad will happen as well and watch out for people out to get you. In this story the two geese had become good friends with the turtle until the turtle would do anything with them. Once the geese had re...

Reading Options

I was very intrigued in seeing what different reading options would be available to me this semester through this course. In my past experiences I believe the PDE’s or Public Domain Edition of the  Ramayana  is the version I will use. I am fascinated by the different viewpoints that can be seen by the different authors that were put together in this Domain. One thing that also keeps me hooked is the embedded video clips and the pictures. I will most likely use the public domain edition of the Mahabharata . Mostly because as said before the video clips and the pictures keep me hooked. And as I have learned by my past classes at OU I am a heavy learner from visualizing . As well in these PDE’s I enjoy that you can take the learning further through the links embedded in the script. One of the readings that I had come across was the story of Radha . To me it seams to the be story of the goddess Radha and her relationship with the god Kirshna. And how these two god and g...

Time Strategies

     The two articles I have chose to read are "The Important Habit of Just Starting" by Jory Mackay and "How to Beat Procrastination" by Caroline Webb. These articles were very helpful and contained relevant information that I will carry into the next two semesters at OU. One of the key things that was said and stuck out to me in this article was " The guilt and frustration we feel from not starting is often worse than the pain of actually doing work", and this stuck with me because often times in my past semesters I have experienced this exact feeling, which in return makes me take these articles even more to heart. Based on last semester, my biggest time challenges will be spreading out all of the courses work with ZERO procrastination. My time management skills consists of taking an initial look at the assignment when it is assigned and then planning when I will do each assignment based of the turn in date and how long each will take. I have reviewed...


     I am Familiar with some of the technology tools that were listed such as Wikipedia, bookmarking, cropping. But I am very new to the publishing and website creating. The online environment is unlike any other I have experienced in other classes because most other classes I meet up with colleagues to work, or it is face to face in class, but in this blogging form nothing will be face to face everything is over the internet. Website creation is probably the only skill I would like to work on in this class that I believe could benefit me. (Picture is of someone typing, I thought it related because this is an  online course. Picture is from: )


     The Assignments that intrigue me most in this class are the weekly story books. This is unlike any of my other classes have done, because most of my classes are not interactive on a weekly basis via the blog. But I am looking forward to this new challenge that will span the semester. The extra credits grab my attention because I look forward to getting ahead in this class, and expand the knowledge acquired from this class. (This photo is a picture taken of Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, the photo is from  )

Growth Mindset at The University of Oklahoma

       From what I have learned growth mindset is the idea of two mindsets fixed and growth. Fixed mindset is the idea that someone believes they can only be so smart or so fast and so on. While growth mindset is the idea that someone believes that they may not know something yet or can not do something yet, but they can get there over time and over a period of learning and training. In Dweck's talk she had a big emphasis on YET, you may not be there yet but you will be there, you may not have passed the class YET but you will pass over time.      I have never personally heard Carol Dweck's talk on growth mindset, but I have heard the idea of growth mindset in many things that I do. I use to have a very fixed mindset in many aspects of my life. Thinking I would never get down to this weight or I would never qualify for a national championship, over the past two years of training I have lost 65 pounds and qualified for the college national championshi...

Introduction To Lead Engineer

Hi all,           My name is Drew Fazzino, I am a Senior at the University of Oklahoma. My major is Mechanical Engineering. The coolest thing about my major is seeing how different systems work together and run, as well as making parts in CAD and seeing them get made. The best class I took last semester was Engineering Design because I learned different CAD platforms and how to dynamically analyze parts via computer, taking out some of the time of tedious hand calculations. My biggest accomplishment last semester was boosting my gpa some and just having a good semester in general. Over the break, I went to Colorado for a couple of weeks and relaxed a little before and after my internship at innovex downhole solutions. It was a blessing to receive the internship this summer because it was great infield experience working with lead mechanical engineers all summer long. Although I said Colorado was my favorite p...

Storybook Favorites

The Monkeys Journey The topic of the “monkey” is one that I am not familiar with at all. The title did do a great job of letting me know what the story was about, while keeping some surprises in store. There was not really a distinct introduction in this portfolio for the stories. There was some creative style in the way the story was told. The pages layout was very easy to follow, the paragraphs were broken in pieces that were easy to transition and read. The images used almost told the stories themselves and were very useful in visualizing. Not in this specific story did I see features that I would use in my story. Website Address: King Arthur in India King authors twist in India is one I have never heard, but it is very interesting how the plot is put together. The title did a great job of giving little taste to what the story would be about. The introduction did an all right job at overviewing what the s...

Favorite Place: Colorado

I love being outdoors so choosing one from many places was really difficult, but I decided on the Colorado. Whether it is winter time or summertime you can find me in the mountains, hiking, skiing or fishing. There is something so surreal about it being dead quiet in the mountains that you can not really find many other places. One of my favorite places in Colorado is Mount Elbert which is the highest mountain found in the Colorado with an elevation of 14,440 ft. (Pictured above is Mount Elbert Picture Source: proactiveoutside - This mountain is classified as a "Fourteener" Which is one of 53 mountains in Colorado that rise above 14,000 feet in elevation. All fourteeners have trails that you can hike that take most of the day, I have been able to do three fourteeners so far and look forward to doing many more.

Epics of India Test Blog

This is the test post for the online Epics of India online course.