Introduction To Lead Engineer

Hi all,

          My name is Drew Fazzino, I am a Senior at the University of Oklahoma. My major is Mechanical Engineering. The coolest thing about my major is seeing how different systems work together and run, as well as making parts in CAD and seeing them get made. The best class I took last semester was Engineering Design because I learned different CAD platforms and how to dynamically analyze parts via computer, taking out some of the time of tedious hand calculations. My biggest accomplishment last semester was boosting my gpa some and just having a good semester in general. Over the break, I went to Colorado for a couple of weeks and relaxed a little before and after my internship at innovex downhole solutions. It was a blessing to receive the internship this summer because it was great infield experience working with lead mechanical engineers all summer long. Although I said Colorado was my favorite place in the last blog I enjoy being on the water fishing too. I am the president of the OU fishing club this year and am really looking forward to it. If I had an extra fun day I would definitely spend it on the water or in the mountains. My other hobbies consist of Shooting guns, shooting my bow, hunting, and weightlifting. If I had more time one of the hobbies I would be interested in trying is working on more outboard engines. I do not have my own dog yet but I for sure wasn’t my own medium size dog once I graduate from OU. I like Country music for the most part, but I do mess around with some other music. I like any of the Chicago shows like Chicago med as TV shows go, and I like really any horror movies. There is a small taste what I am like!
(Above is a picture of a section of the Blue River that I fished while in Colorado. Photo From Getty images)


  1. Hi Drew!

    Your introduction was fun to read. It is very interesting that you love to fish and be outdoors. It is also interesting that you like dogs. I, too, love dogs. As far as medium sized dogs, I hear that Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are a fantastic breed. They are good dogs for outdoorsmen such as yourself. Best of luck with the class this semester! -Andrew

  2. Oh, president of the OU Fishing Club: that is really cool, Drew! My husband is a hunter and fisherman, so he would definitely approve... and you will see that hunting is a BIG theme in the Indian epics where there are dramatic incidents that take place while hunting in both the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. So keep an eye out for that: maybe you will even want to do a Storybook that is based on the epic stories of hunting! One of the first you will read about is the tragic story of a hunting accident in the life of King Dasharatha, father of Rama who is the hero of the Ramayana: Dasharatha and Shravana ... intense!
    And for engineering reference, India has a god of engineers: Vishvakarman, the All-Maker! :-)

  3. Hi Drew, congratulations on getting a good internship! That sounds like it was a great opportunity to learn. Outdoor activities are so rejuvenating; I'm an environmental engineering student and also love being outdoors. Dogs are great! I heard once that petting them lowers a human's blood pressure. Labradoodles are especially nice dogs in my experience. Good luck with your senior year!

  4. Hey Drew,

    To begin, I can see that we are both seniors! I see that you've had some experience with computers and since you're mech E, I assume you've learned some coding languages as well! I know some coding, but I'm nowhere near good. I actually took a java class and it was pretty tough, so props to you man! I would like to get a dog as well once I graduate and settle. Hopefully we both get to graduate on time and fulfill those dreams!

  5. Hi Drew! My brother is also in mechanical engineering and he makes it sound super hard so props to you! I also love Colorado and put it down as my favorite place, winter or summer it is always so pretty there. I am not a good fisher but that is awesome youre the president of the fishing team!

  6. Hi Drew,

    It is nice to hear that you love your major so much, I can tell you really enjoy what you do. Boosting the GPA after working hard is such a great feeling, I am glad you felt that! Country music is one of my favorites as well, I have recently started to listen to it and I am really growing to liking it. Hope you have a great semester.

  7. Hi Drew,
    Congratulations on the internship and GPA boost! With MechE that sounds like no easy feat! I didn’t know OU had a fishing club- that’s so cool! I also love medium-sized dogs- a friend of mine has a policy that if you can punt a doggo like a football it’s too small to qualify as a real dog (extreme, I know, but I found it humorous). That picture is beautiful- it sounds like a great vacation. Good luck with this class and senior year!

  8. Hi Drew!

    Nice to meet a fellow engineer major. I'm an aerospace engineering major. Good luck on your last year! Hopefully, your internship will help you with job placement. I bet you are ready for deer session. It is right around the corner. Just think this time next year you will have plenty of time to pursue your hobbies, and train your new puppy.

  9. Hey Drew! It was very nice to get to know you! Its great that you have received that internship as well! This is my last year too! I am excited to turn this page of my life and move onto the next portion. I would also like to say that I love fishing! I didn't know that OU had a fishing club, otherwise I probably would have joined it! However, good luck with your last year! I hope it goes smoothly.

  10. Hi Drew! I've got a few friends who are Mechanical Engineering majors. I've also been to Colorado a couple times and I love it there! I haven't been fishing in a long time but that does sound like relaxing break for sure. I'll pretty much listen to any type of music as well, except I would say my default is Hard Rock rather than Country.

  11. Hey Drew! Colorado is such a wonderful place to just go and explore and take a break from all the stressful parts of university. I think I'm going to spend most of OU/TX weekend just studying in my hammock in the woods somewhere, so maybe I'll end up in Colorado soon. Good luck with your degree! As I've seen from my roommate, engineering degrees are very time consuming.

  12. Hi Drew, chemical engineer, so slightly different but we have a lot of cross section like fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. I had no clue that there was an OU fishing club! Is this fishing just done in rivers and lakes in Oklahoma, or is it done differently? Either way, it's very interesting to hear about that. I hope you have a great semester!

  13. Hey Drew! I am so happy that you got to experience your internship in Colorado, as it is such a beautiful state and you got to gain some hands-on experience. It is so cool that you are the president of the fishing club! I would love to see you write a story related to fish, as you would have better insight on their behavior and ecosystem than most! Good luck on your last year!

  14. Hi Drew! Happy to hear you got such a great internship. Also, fishing club?? So cool!! I've only caught one fish in my life and it was a really happy moment. You have to have so much patience and dedication to fish. I have plenty of dog recommendations if you need them! I'm partial to a lab or German Shepard. Also, a boxer would be awesome! I haven't seen Chicago Med, but I used to watch Chicago PD and I liked it. Nice to meet you, Drew!

  15. Hi Drew! It is good to read more about you from your introduction blog post. I am also glad that you love a class that you took for your mechanical engineering major! It’s awesome that you went traveled to Colorado. It’s been a minute since I have visited there, but I am sure it is great. Have a wonderful and a successful semester man!

  16. Hi Drew! Congrats on having a great last semester! I hope this one is treating you well too! It's awesome that you have such a wide array of outdoor interests! I personally do not have the patience for fishing, I know a lot of people that love it. And, I did not even know that OU had a fishing club. I think that is super cool!

  17. Hi Drew, I think it is so cool that your major is mechanical engineer. I heard it is a pretty tough major! I also love that you are on the fishing club. I actually did not know that OU had a fishing club. I used to be on a fishing club when I was little and I always brag about it even though I hardly caught any fish haha.

  18. Hey Drew!
    It was nice to read your introduction! I had no idea the OU had a fishing club, which is really cool. I never been fishing, but it sounds peaceful. Also, I really liked your picture of your Colorado. I never been, but planning on going this winter break so I can't wait. Anyways, hope your semester is going great and good luck!


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