Reading Notes: Two Turtles Jatakas

I found these two stories very interesting and very creative. Both of these gave me some ideas for future ideas of what I might do with my stories later on.

Turtle and The King Notes
From my understanding this story is a story of how the “demon turtle” outsmarted the king and men with the king. The young princes had never seen a turtle before, so they believed it to be a demon. Because the king had such love for his sons he went on and said to kill the turtle. They did not know much about turtles and so when the turtle heard the option of being thrown into the lake he acted deathly afraid of that option. So, in the end that is what the king chose and the turtle swam away to live another day.

The Turtle and The Geese Notes
This is a story of following instructions and nothing bad will happen as well and watch out for people out to get you. In this story the two geese had become good friends with the turtle until the turtle would do anything with them. Once the geese had recognized this the geese said let us fly far away back home, you can come to as long as you do not speak a word. The turtle pleaded and said he would do anything. The geese took flight and as soon as they flew above children the turtle spoke and they instantly dropped him to his death. This is why you often times have to read between the lines of what people really mean when they offer you something.
 (Picture from the turtle and the geese Jataka Story. Source:

“Jatakas - Turtle.” Google Sites,


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