Week 9 Story: The Desperate Camper

On a nice cool fall day in September chad set out on a trip to trek and camp in the Rocky Mountains in the beautiful and wild Alberta, Canada. He told his friends and coworkers where he was going and to expect great pictures and stories when he returned. He set out on his trek at the beginning of the month and was planning on staying out for two weeks. Chad hiked in to a nice little secluded spot he found on google earth that seemed to be the greatest spot, overlooking a glowing and amazing section of the mountain range.

The first night he set up camp, made his dinner and enjoyed the sunset. Throughout the next few days he enjoyed hiking to the peaks and watching the wildlife, making small drawings and taking pictures of the beautiful scenery. After the fourth day he noticed the water he had packed in was depleting rather quickly and he had not accounted for this.  His phone had no signal because he was in the mountains and he had no idea where a water source could possibly be.  He walked around the base of the mountain he was staying at and found nothing. He began to pack up camp to start his trip back to his vehicle that was parked at the mouth of the trail.

On his ten-mile trek back to his truck he had to cross a small stream he had forgotten about, so he decided he was going to drink from this. This is because he knew from his experiences being a scout as a kid that moving water was a better and cleaner source than stagnant water because there are less bacteria. Chad decided to take a small sip of water too just get him to his truck, so he set his pack down and right before he sipped the water he heard a small voice coming from the water that told him to not drink from this section of the stream and to hike up a little bit to the source which was an ancient glacier. He decided to trust his gut, he added two miles onto his hike and filled up all of his water storage and headed home after the long trip.

Once he had gotten home, he started telling some of his friends and co workers the dilemma he faced while on his vacation. And that the weirdest thing had happened to him that help guided him. One of his friends was stunned because as he told chad, he had read a story of a man that had died 2 weeks prior, he was camping by himself and ran out of water. He had passed a small stream on the way in that chad figured out was the one he had passed. This man died from cholera from drinking the water in the stream.  Chad mourned for the man but was very thankful that he had listened to the voice from the water that spared his life.

(This is the lake i imagine that Nakula Found, Picture Source: Lake)

Authors notes:

The section of the Narayan part C I wrote this story about was “The voice on the Lake”. In the Section Nakula finds a lake, but a small voice told him he needs to answer these questions. He doesn't listen, he drinks it then dies Sahadeva, Arjuna and Bhima all meet the same fate. Yudhishthira finds his brothers dead, he hears the same questions and then answers them. This ended up being a test by his father Yama the god of death. the brothers came back to life and they receive the gift of unrecognizability for their thirteenth year of death. The plot from this story is listen to those that are telling you something, and never doubt yourself. I related these two by their plots of listening to the voices that tell you something, and then trusting your gut. I did change the plot a little in that the main character was not affected directly, but more directed emotionally from listening to the story about the man that had died.


  1. Hi Drew! This story was a great take on the Mahabharata chapter about the deadly lake! I’m glad Chad had the sense to listen. It’s good that he listened in Scouts as a kiddo- maybe he could take the Be Prepared a little more to heart, though. I enjoyed the background moral that extra work pays off/ shortcuts shorten your life, and the use of cholera as an explanation for what happened to the other hiker. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Drew,

    I like your story about the dangerous lake. You got a great concept out of the Mahabharata. That story is what I found really interesting and was once also thinking about using that idea for a story and creating it. I like the way you have wrote your story. You have enough detail for me to imagine the story. Your story also followed really well together. I am glad I read it. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hi Drew!

    I like you wove your interests and strengths into your writing. You can really tell when I writer feels confident about what they're writing. I like that little boy scout tip. Were you a boy scout? Also, I enjoyed the happy ending of this story. That would have been awful if Chad was poisoned, especially since he had such a good hike.


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