Week 8 Reading and Writing

Looking Back
So far in this semester i am very happy with my reading a writing assignments, and they are working well for me. I am happy with both my blog and portfolio. I am happy with my story posts, but i do believe i have room for improvement, moving forward. I believe my biggest accomplishment for my writings in this class , is coming up with brand new stories each week to fulfill a new plot.  The reading notes each week help tremendously when choosing a plot to follow for the upcoming story.

                              (Pictured above is Ravanas battle with Rama, Picture from: Battle)
I chose the picture above because this was  a great story of when Mahodara offers to defeat the monkeys.

Looking Forward
There is not too much more that i want to get out of the class. But i do believe i need to put in a little more creativity on my stories and tying them closer to the plots of the original stories.


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