Week 8 Progress

So far with my portfolio and blogs I am happy with my progress so far. I am most proud of the diversity of the story types I have made. I am still working on my weekly routine because my other classes vary with work load, so I have to adjust my schedule accordingly. I have used a couple of the extra credit opportunities. The build up of my blog and website have been good, as they are both growing and becoming cleaner. There are no changes that I want to make to the second half of the semester, other than better time management. In my writings I want to try to make the stories flow better and make a more intense plot. There is nothing I want to change in my blog or website, I believe everything  is set up well and is easy to navigate.

(I think this is an appropriate photo for finishing off the semester, Picture Source: Corgi)


  1. Time management is definitely a big one. I never got down a consistent schedule for this class. Basically twice I week I sit down and do half of the assignments for the week. I usually do this on Monday to get through the assignments that are due through Wednesday. Then I do the rest whenever I can find the time! Best of luck with the rest of your semester!


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