Story Lab: 10 Good Reasons to Read More Books

The article I chose to complete this story lab over was “10 Good Reasons To Read More Books”. This caught my eye because I do not read enough books and I need to read more. This article has ten main points that elaborates on why reading is beneficial. The first point was you can’t write if you don’t read. The second point was your general knowledge is abysmal if you don’t read. The third point was reading helps you develop your own philosophy on life. The fourth point was it helps you develop critical thinking skills. The fifth point is you can de-stress with minimal expense. The sixth point was you can keep your brain stimulated. The seventh point was you get to understand the world. The eighth point is you can learn social skills. The ninth point was you learn that you are not alone. The final point that reading makes you less likely to be a terrible person.

The three that I believe fit me most consisted of the following. The first was you can’t write if you don’t read. Reading helps you better form your thoughts when sitting down to write. The second point was It helps you develop critical thinking skills. I believe this is beneficial to me because it mentions that without books you have no reference point, and reading helps engage the brain throughout the day. The final point that I believed to be beneficial to me was you’re less likely to be a terrible person. This I found kind of comical, but I also understand the point where this is coming from, I think it is beneficial to me because a study was done that showed that reading fiction improves your empathy. This showed me that I need to read more be a less terrible person.

(I thought this picture depicted this reading very well. Source: Reading)


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