Reading Notes: Narayan Part C

The Reading notes for this week are over Part C of the Narayan. The section that i was drawn to was the voice in the lake. This section was very intriguing and could be made into a very interesting story. In this section Brahmin is desperate because a mysterious giant deer stole his staff and the kinddling he uses to make the sacrificial fire. nakula finds a lake, but a small voice told him he needs to answer these questions. He doesn't listen, he drinks it then dies Sahadeva, Arjuna and Bhima all meet the same fate. Yudhishthira finds his brothers dead, he hears the same questions and then answers them. This ended up being a test by his father Yama the god of death. the brothers came back to life and they receive the gift of unrecognizability for their thirteenth year of death. The plot from this story is listen to those that are telling you something, and never doubt yourself.

Story Source: Narayan Part C

(This is the lake i imagine that Nakula Found, Picture Source: Lake)


  1. Hi Drew,
    I was reading through your reading notes for one of the extra credit commenting assignmnets, and I was drawn to this particular note. I think the voice in the lake was a fascinating excerpt. It provided a great moral to listen to others and never doubt yourself. I look forward to reading a story that you craft based on this reading.


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