Story Lab: Writers Lab

I used the story lab assignment to navigate the Writers Write website that was provided, and I read two of many helpful articles. One of the helpful articles was 10 Good Reasons To Read More Books I thought this was a good read because it hit on many points. One of the points that stuck with me was “You can keep your brain simulated”, this is interesting to me because it is something I try to do in periods of free time whether it is between classes, after class or before exams. I believe keeping a stimulated mindset throughout the day is key for a successful day. The second point that was interesting was “You’re less likely to be a terrible person”, this caught my attention because I had never really thought of it before. But after reading it talks about that reading improves empathy, helps your ability to communicate, as well as boosts your creativity.

The second article I chose to read was Create PowerParagraphs For Stronger Storytelling. I chose to read this because sometimes I find my paragraphs die off a little and there is always room for improvement. One thing that it mentioned that I always try to do is your sentences try to flow, with a linking sentence to end the paragraph to lead into the following paragraph. Your call-out sentence should stand alone, it is a paragraph in its own.  It should draw the readers attention without the use of exclamation marks or absurd punctuation. Overall, the takeaway from this article is to have a paragraph that flows naturally, as well draws the readers attention without the use of exclamation marks.
(I thought this Picture was suiting for the second Article. Source Paragraph)


  1. Hi Drew,

    I also think these story labs are very helpful for improving with writing. It is very interesting that reading helps with empathy. I had not heard that before, but it does make sense. Your last part about improving paragraphs is also important. You listed some good tips for me to keep in mind when working on my story assignments.

    -Andy McDowell


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