Reading Notes: Narayan Guide C

      Because Sita is terrified for Rama’s well being she makes Lakshmana go help him. When Sita is left alone, Ravana picks up the ground she is standing on and fly’s away with her. Jatayu tries to rescue sita from Ravana but is killed in the process, but before he dies tells Rama and Lakshmana which way ravana went. Rama and Lakshmana head south to the monkey kingdom where the Hanuman sees there coming and disguises as a scholar which Rama sees right through. The demon Mayavi challenges Vali, then Vali chases Mayavi into a cave. Then Sugriva loses his wife. Vali can not mount Matanga because of a curse that was placed on him from when he killed Dundubhi and hurled its carcass, so it fell near the sage Matanga and angered him. Sita threw her jewelry when she was kidnapped, and the monkeys found it on the ground, then give it to Rama and agree to help find her. Sugriva challenges Vali, which vali laughs at. Rama hides and shoots at Vali during the fight. Then Vali argues with Rama if that was right or not. Rama and Lakshmana spend the rainy season in the forest. Sugriva is lost and forgets his promise to help. Lakshmana kicks down the gates of the city, Tara then greets Lakshmana and placates him. Rama greets Sugriva gladly. Hanuman and Angada lead a search party south. Hanuman and Angada are trapped underground with a nymph who once use to be a goddess, and when they break free she returns to heaven. At the oceans edge they encounter Sampathi, who had fallen to earth when his wings were born, but the wings grow back when he hears Rama’s name. Hanuman grows to a gigantic size, so he can step across the ocean Lanka.

(Picture is of the Hunuman in creature form to go across the ocean, Source: Hanuman)


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